International projects

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METAHEART - EUropean network to tackle METAbolic alterations in HEART failure
Duration: 18. 10. 2023 - 17. 10. 2027
Evidence number: CA 22169
Program: COST
Project leader: doc. RNDr. Barteková Monika, PhD.
SAS cosolvers: MUDr. Ravingerová Táňa, DrSc., FIACS
Partner countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom
Project website:
RESIST-D - Reward-stress interactions as neurobiological substrate for resilience and vulnerability in mental health and depression: A translational large-scale project
Duration: 1. 1. 2024 - 31. 12. 2026
Evidence number: NEURON_RV-114
Program: ERANET
Project leader: MUDr. Riečanský Igor, PhD.
SAS cosolvers: Mgr. Marko Martin, PhD., Mgr. Rovný Rastislav, PhD.
Partner countries: France, Germany, Ireland, Romania, Slovakia, Switzerland
RESCUE - Bridging the gap between cardiac and vascular regeneration
Duration: 1. 1. 2024 - 31. 12. 2026
Evidence number:
Program: Horizont Európa
Project leader: doc. RNDr. Barteková Monika, PhD.
SAS cosolvers: RNDr. Bališ Peter, PhD., Mgr. Duľová Ulrika, Mgr. Ferenczyová Kristína, PhD., Mgr. Kaločayová Barbora, PhD., Ing. Kornieieva Daria, MUDr. RNDr. Púzserová Angelika, PhD.
Annotation: Our project has the ambition to develop innovative therapies based on RNA to simultaneously induce the regeneration of the muscular and vascular components of the heart after cardiac damage. Toward this goal, we will explore two hypotheses. The first hypothesis is that the regeneration of the muscular component in sufficient to trigger re-vascularization. The second hypothesis is that the two processes, the regeneration of the cardiac muscle and its blood vessels, need to be stimulated in parallel to achieve functional regeneration of the heart. Whatever the mechanism, our project will develop novel RNA drugs, encapsulated into lipid nanoparticles, able to simultaneously trigger the regeneration of the cardiac muscle and its effective vascularisation.
Partner countries: Italy, Netherlands, Slovakia, Spain, Turkey
Validation of a Vaginal Irritation Protocol for the In Vitro Assessment of Medical Devices
Duration: 1. 12. 2024 - 31. 12. 2026
Evidence number:
Program: Multilaterálne - iné
Project leader: Dr.rer.nat., Ing. Kanďárová Helena, ERT
Annotation: The project aims to validate a reconstructed human vaginal model for in vitro testing of personal care products intended for use in the vaginal area. The results will be submitted to the ISO committee for potential implementation into the ISO 10993-23 standard, advancing safety assessment methodologies and promoting alternative testing approaches.
Partner countries: Slovakia, United Kingdom, United States
ONTOX - ONTOX - Ontology-driven and artificial intelligence-based repeated dose toxicity testing of chemicals for next generation risk assessment
Duration: 1. 5. 2021 - 30. 12. 2026
Evidence number: H2020
Program: Horizont 2020
Project leader: Dr.rer.nat., Ing. Kanďárová Helena, ERT
SAS cosolvers: Mgr. Gabrišová Klara, Ing. Milec Lucia, Ing. Pôbiš Peter, Mgr. Pružinská-Koch Katarína, PhD
Annotation: The vision of the ONTOX project is to provide a functional and sustainable solution for advancing human risk assessment of chemicals without the use of animals in line with the principles of 21st century toxicity testing and next-generation risk assessment. Specifically, ONTOX will deliver a generic strategy to create innovative new approach methodologies (NAMs) in order to predict systemic repeated dose toxicity effects that, upon the combination with tailored exposure assessment, will enable human risk assessment. This strategy can be applied to any type of chemical and systemic repeated dose toxicity effect. However, for proof-of-concept purposes, focus will be put on 6 specific NAMs addressing adversities in the liver (steatosis and cholestasis), kidneys (tubular necrosis and crystallopathy) and developing brain (neural tube closure and cognitive function defects) induced by a variety of chemicals, including from the pharmaceutical, cosmetics, food and biocide sectors. The 6 NAMs will each consist of a computational system based on cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) and will be primarily fed by available biological/mechanistic, toxicological/ epidemiological, physico-chemical and kinetic data. Data will be consecutively integrated in physiological maps, quantitative adverse outcome pathway networks and ontology frameworks. Data gaps, as identified by AI, will be filled by targeted state-of-the-art in vitro and in silico testing. The 6 NAMs will be evaluated and applied in collaboration with industrial and regulatory stakeholders in order to maximise end-user acceptance and regulatory confidence. This is anticipated to expedite implementation in risk assessment practice and to facilitate commercialisation. ONTOX will have a deep and long-lasting impact at many levels, in particular by consolidating Europe\'s world-leading position regarding the development, exploitation, regulation and application of animal-free methods for human risk assessment of chemicals.
Project website:
IMPROVE - 3Rs concepts to improve the quality of biomedical science (IMPROVE)
Duration: 21. 10. 2022 - 20. 10. 2026
Evidence number: CA21139
Program: COST
Project leader: Dr.rer.nat., Ing. Kanďárová Helena, ERT
SAS cosolvers: Ing. Pôbiš Peter
Annotation: Awareness of the existence of a reproducibility and predictability crisis in biomedical science has increased in recent years. The reproducibility crisis refers to the problem that researchers struggle to replicate or reproduce scientific studies. There has been many publications reviewing why preclinical research is irreproducible and lack of predictability, pointing this to deficiencies in reporting and statistical practices. Confounding factors, which are part of the laboratory environment and will influence both the dependent and independent variables, continue to be identified, suggesting that our knowledge of their existence is far from complete. Better statistical methodology will play a central role in improving the reproducibility of science to produce robust and reproducible research. Another area of improvement is the development of novel methods to better define and assess replication success and improve predictability. Under this light, the development and introduction of new, powerful concepts for biomedical research is essential to reduce the production of non-reproducible and non-predictive data. This has immense scientific, economic and social significance. In this context, we propose that the findings and concepts from the 3Rs field can greatly help to improve biomedical research on several levels.Therefore, the main aim of the COST Action IMPROVE is:To establish a network which will work to refine, harmonise and promote 3Rs concepts, data and documents, in order to improve the quality of biomedical science.
Partner countries: Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom
Project website:
EURESTOP - European Network for diagnosis and treatment of antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections
Duration: 6. 10. 2022 - 5. 10. 2026
Evidence number: CA21145
Program: COST
Project leader: RNDr. Májeková Magdaléna, PhD.
SAS cosolvers: Ing. Farkaš Pavol, PhD., Mgr. Wetter Erik
Annotation: The emergence and spread of drug-resistant bacteria is an important health and socioeconomic threat with global dimensions, which is developing towards an emergency/pandemic crisis. No drugs are available to address the disease, and diagnostic tools are poorly effective. This negatively impacts the treatment and survival of critically ill patients. Current research in this field is highly fragmented and mostly monodisciplinary, thus limiting the development of innovative diagnostic and therapeutic solutions. This COST Action will bring together industrial and academic European scientists with different skills and expertise in a multidisciplinary and concerted initiative. The Action will combine scientific disciplines in understanding the genetic and molecular bases of bacterial drug resistance, developing innovative diagnostic tools, and delivering lead/pre-clinical candidates, antibody-based therapies, and clinical-ready repurposed drugs towards the personalized treatment of drug-resistant bacterial infections. The further challenge of the Action is to enhance networking among European scientists and to train a new generation of young scientists skilled in the multiple aspects related to bacterial drug resistance.
Partner countries: Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Norway, Portugal
Project website:
NETSKINMODELS - Engineering novel 3D organotypic skin models
Duration: 15. 9. 2022 - 14. 9. 2026
Evidence number: CA21108
Program: COST
Project leader: Dr.rer.nat., Ing. Kanďárová Helena, ERT
SAS cosolvers: Ing. Pôbiš Peter
Annotation: Over the past years, investigative and experimental dermatology has developed various approaches, ranging from utilisation of ex-vivo skin tissues to establishment of reconstructed in-vitro and in-silico skin models as tools in both basic and translational skin research. These models have the strong potential to increase the significance of scientific and clinical outcomes and to reduce animal experimentation. Nevertheless, current skin models lack sophistication and standardisation, thereby hampering their wider acceptance by the scientific community and regulatory bodies. This is partly caused by a lack of cross talk between relevant stakeholders — regulatory bodies, basic scientists, clinicians, and industry — whereby advances in new technologies have not delivered their full potential in this field. In the proposed Action, interdisciplinary and intersectoral research and coordinated initiatives will drive the development and validation of standout sophisticated cell-based and computational skin models, including the development of artificial intelligence models for dermatological research. Furthermore, the Action has ambitions to develop ethical and sustainable reagents required for the elaboration of organotypic skin models, based on a strong partnership between network academia and industries. Harmonisation of scientific and technological knowledge and an enduring bottom-up dynamic in the field will be ensured by dissemination of leading-edge know-how among research intensive and research moderate European territories. Moreover, next-generation scientists will be trained for the long-term propagation and continued development of skin models. Action outcomes will turbocharge the field of skin models to meet rising scientific, clinical, economic, environmental and regulatory expectations, making Europe the epicentre of research in this field.
Partner countries: Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Moldova, Norway, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom
Project website:
MECACCM2 - Preclinical study targeting mechanosensitive Ca2+channels for Cerebral Cavernous Malformations therapy and early diagnosis.
Duration: 1. 1. 2023 - 31. 12. 2025
Evidence number: NEURON_CV-060, NEURON grant number 964215
Program: Horizont 2020
Project leader: prof., PharmDr. Duriš Adameová Adriana, PhD., FIACS
SAS cosolvers: prof., PharmDr. Duriš Adameová Adriana, PhD., FIACS
Other cosolvers: KU Leuven, Department of Mechanical Engi
Annotation: Cerebral Cavernous Malformations (CCM), a cerebrovascular disease affecting small vessels in 1 out of 200 individuals, are stacks of dilated and haemorrhagic venous capillaries formed by a unique layer of poorly joined endothelial cells. Incompetent blood-brain barrier (BBB) is a major manifestation of CCM leading to headaches, seizures,paralysis, sensory or cognitive deficits. Currently, surgical resection is not always possible and there is no therapeutic alternative. This project will explore molecular events at the onset of CCM and innovative therapeutic strategies. Mysteriously, CCM lesions form only in low flow venous capillaries but not in high flow vessels. Preliminary results from our consortium advocate for a causative role of mechanosensitive calcium channels of the Piezo and TRPV families. Their contributions to CCM onset has however never been explored. This project brings together recognized experts in endothelial mechanotransduction, cell and matrix mechanics and miRNA signalling to investigate the interplay between cell-generated forces, intrinsic molecular pathways and extrinsicmechanical cues. By combining in vitro data with the analysis of patient CCM samples collected in the largest German biobank, the goal of this project is to identify early biomarkers of CCM initiation and to perform preclinical testing of nanoparticles loaded with drugs targeting mechanosensitive calcium channels. In this project, we will be responsible for several experiments evaluating cell fate – intracelullar signaling of cell death, and survival and oxidative stress being associated with Ca2+ regulation through mechanosensitive Ca2+ channels.
Partner countries: Belgium, Germany, Italy, Slovakia
Exploration of toxicology properties of drug candidates with antimicrobial and antiviral properties.
Duration: 1. 9. 2024 - 31. 12. 2025
Evidence number: PSCI Grant - 01 2024
Program: Multilaterálne - iné
Project leader: Dr.rer.nat., Ing. Kanďárová Helena, ERT
SAS cosolvers: Ing. Pôbiš Peter
Other cosolvers: Dr. Samuel Constant
Annotation: The project focuses on exploring the toxicological properties of compounds with potential applications in the treatment of COVID-19. In vitro models of lung, nasal, and alveolar tissues will be employed to assess the safety and efficacy of drug candidates. This approach supports the development of novel therapeutic options while adhering to the principles of alternative testing methods.
Partner countries: Switzerland
BenBedPhar - Bench to bedside transition for pharmacological regulation of NRF2 in noncommunicable diseases
Duration: 19. 10. 2021 - 18. 10. 2025
Evidence number: CA 20121
Program: COST
Project leader: RNDr. Bernátová Iveta, DrSc.
Annotation: Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular, neurodegenerative, respiratory or immune diseases, account for 77% of all deaths in Europe and remain the most prevalent and without effective therapy. Networking among multidisciplinary teams that explore disease from a perspective of causative pathomechanisms rather than clinical symptoms is the most appropriate approach to overcome this problem. Such pathomechanisms imply the loss of homeostatic functions leading to the pathologic formation of reactive oxygen species, chronic inflammation, metabolic unbalance and proteinopathy. The transcription factor NRF2 is a master regulator of multiple cytoprotective responses and a key molecular link among many NCDs. It provides a unique strategy for drug development and repurposing that is now starting to be translated to the pharmacological and clinical arena. This Action build a network of excellence for integrating and spreading the existing knowledge and providing innovative services, drugs and tools related to NRF2-pharmacology, with the final goal of boosting the translation to the European industry sector. To achieve this, the Action has already gathered a wide set of professionals from different disciplines (medical chemistry, pharmacology, clinical research, molecular biology, bioinformatics, etc.) and sectors (universities, research centres, hospitals, biobanks, biotech and pharma companies, etc.). Thanks to COST tools the Action will boost the career of young researchers, wide participation, and spread excellence.
Partner countries: Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States
Project website: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid